Monday, September 29, 2008

I saw the sunrise from my spinning bike this morning

I got up at 5 am, to get to the gym by 5:30.  
I did:
adductors 3/15, 50 lbs.
abductors 3/15, 40 lbs.
leg extensions 3/15, 40 lbs.
chest fly 3/15 30 lbs.
bicep curls w/ a bar 3/20, maybe 20 lbs. the numbers were worn off, but it was heavy

Then I warmed for a few minutes on the elliptical and ended with 30 mins. of a 45 min. spinning class (i had to leave early to be able to make it to work).

I also finally tried the smoothie with spinach.   Frozen berries, spinach and orange juice blended.  It actually was pretty good (though a little bitter from the juice) but you could def. not taste the spinach so I'm sold!

And now I'm at work, but ready for a nap!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

When you can't remember the name of your blog, you know it's been too long!

Right, so I'm lame.  I went on vacation and came back and stopped doing anything productive!  I did got to the gym Monday, but it's Thursday now!  I haven't been to spinning in like 3 weeks.  And today I intended to go to yoga until I found out Paris is no longer teaching a class (he was just filling in for the summer)!  So, I suck.
I did just get reinspired though after watching Gwyneth Paltrow workout on Oprah.