Sunday, July 13, 2008

First Post

I'm creating this blog to force me to keep track of my workouts, eating and progress.  I've tried to keep food and workout journals in the past, but ultimately I write in them for 3 days, then forget or better yet, lose them.  I spend a lot of time at a computer, so I thought an online journal to keep up with this info. might be useful.
I currently belong to a gym and make it there 3 times a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) but I'd like to get to a point where I'm doing cardio everyday and weight training 3 days and yoga at least once, but as I get better, more often.  I try to get up at 5 am to get to the gym by 5:30 when it opens and out by 6:30 to get home and in the shower by 6:45 and off to work by 7:30.  I do manage this some days, but it needs to be everyday M-F, with weights at night 3 times a week. My hope is that this blog keeps me accountable.

Yesterday, I went to my first spinning class.  I arrived without a towel or water, I was totally prepared!  The instructor told me to go get a drink of water before class started, which I did, then as class progressed the man next to me kept offering me his water, which I kept turning down.  I guess I looked like I was going to pass out, which I was trying not to do, so now I know I need water for a spinning class!  The class was pretty gruesome, and sometimes I stayed seated when she said to stand or I didn't increase my resistance when she said to, but I made it through the class!  Afterwards, the she came over to tell me I did a good job and to not be deterred that I would get better if I kept coming.  Today, my quads are killing me!  And my butt hurts.  But, that class makes me sweat so much it drips off my face and my hands keep slipping on the handles, so I guess it's worth it.  If I could get to that class a couple times a week, I'd be sure to lose weight!  There's one tomorrow morning, maybe I'll go to it and just leave a little early so I can get to work on time.
I was going to go swimming at the gym today, but I did some gardening and walked around the block looking for my neighbor's runaway dog, so I think that's enough exercise, plus my legs are killing me!  Plus, I went to two grocery stores today.  
That's another problem I have, my eating habits.  I try to eat healthy, but I like my crap food.  I eat at Chick fil a, probably at least once a week.  It's a problem, but I love it!  That's why I'm trying to make up for it with my workouts!  But, I guess I'll never get those six pack abs unless I get serious about my eating as well.  We'll see.

I need a nap.  But instead, I'll do laundry and clean!

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