Sunday, August 17, 2008

week 8/11/08

Okay, so it's been like a week.  Here's my review of last week.  
Monday: Spinning 
Tuesday: Spinning and some weights and 20 minutes of regular bike/elliptical combined.
Wednesday: Elliptical for 20 minutes and a few weights
Thursday: Nothing  (I really have to stop going home before yoga because i just don't go back out)
Friday: Nothing
Saturday: Spinning, 20 minutes elliptical and weights

I still need to take my measurements.  Saturday a friend and I looked for bathing suits (Outer Banks next week) and really it was not a fun experience.  I think I need to concentrate on working my abs along with cardio, because the cardio alone is not tightening my abs and it's not good!
I wanted to go to spinning today at 9 am, but my friend had me out til 3:30 am and I just couldn't get up plus my knees hurts, they need a break!  Hopefully I'll get into spinning tomorrow night.

I need a nap.

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