Wednesday, August 6, 2008

gotta get back in the groove

I've been totally lame about updating lately.  In my defense, I was on vacation last week!  I'm trying to eat healthier, but I haven't been to the gym yet this week.  I got really bad sunburn on my hip on Sunday and today is the first day moving doesn't hurt.  But, I was invited to this free facial thing tonight, so I guess spinning is out.  This is why I need my own spinning bike, then I could spin whenever it was convenient for me!  Maybe I'll squeeze the gym in tonight after the party thing.  I really need to learn to pack a gym bag for my car, that would make this a better possibility!  Oh, and I want to take my measurements later.  I'm trying to lose some inches/fat before vacation at the end of August (yes 3 weeks).  We'll see!

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